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3 Yr Olds M-W-F
4 Yr Olds M-F
Lead Teacher 4 yr. olds- Heather Kartes
Lead Teacher 3 yr. olds - Brianna Ridley
Aide - Pamela Walker
Aide - Kathy Flynn
Aide - Connie Ignasiak
Hours: Mon. - Fri
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
St. Joseph School offers Preschool for students who are three by September 1st and who are potty trained. We offer an all day, five day program to meet the needs of working families.
Tuition 3 yr old - $2900
4 yr old - $2900
Registration Fee - $340 per family
For more information or to schedule an
appointment call 989-345-0220.
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